GBBD - September's Mists

September's a transition month: my small pots get filled with Cyclamen - this year's chosen colour is a bright pink edged with a suspicion of white. The autumn clearing of both plot and garden commences and everywhere there is the smell of damp earth and the beginnings of decay. Banded spiders spin their webs everywhere, taking me unawares during my morning garden inspections and even getting into my eyes at one point last week.

Therefore I was surprised to find lots of new flowers to show you this month. Enough to change July's slideshow to a new one in my sidebar. This has been helped mainly by the Dahlias and hardy Fuchsias making a splendid show. Both will carry on to the first frosts and bring cheer to both front and back gardens. I'm particularly pleased with my new Fuchsia 'Hawkshead'. I'd coveted one for ages and finally found them for sale at the RHS Show in Cardiff in April. I planted it in the front garden where its slender but plentiful white flowers, with the merest hints of green and pink, are brightening this north facing area. I combined it with a white Diascia - I must use more of them next year.

A thick mist has adorned the local fields the past few days. In my garden these flowers are my mists - here until the chill winds and frosts of autumn blow them away.

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

PS I will be posting an account of yesterday's Sing for Water - my head's still too full of the sights and sounds of yesterday's adventure for me to make sense of it for you yet. Probably tomorrow?


  1. Hawkshead is a beauty, I used it for several years in the summer plantings at the front here too, until some monster caterpillars devoured them (Elephant hawkmoth).

    I thought of you yesterday, as I was high above London on the Epsom downs and could quite clearly see the Gerkin in the distance, and wondered where you there singing your heart out. Look forward to hearing about it.

  2. What you have written about September is so true. The flowers start to fade, the spiders are very busy, and the whole garden starts to get kinda of quiet as we start to clear beds and prepare for winter.

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  3. Very descriptive post, VP! Unfortunately, my computer is not working, and the one I'm on won't let me see your slide show, so I'll have to come back...I especially want to see your dahlias and fuschias, neither of which do well for me.

    Just read your post about visiting the beekeepers--that would be fascinating, but I don't think I would be as brave as you!

  4. Not fair - your Astrantia is blooming & none of mine are! Clematis aromatica is really cute. I wonder if it is a parent of Clematis 'Petit Faucon'? Your Cyclamen are so pretty. I grew them in my old garden & I tried to grow them here, but the squirrels dug them all up. Got to try again.

  5. I loved the slide show!

    The hypericum and cyclamen pictures were my favorites - but they all were absolutely wonderful.

    Happy Gardening!

  6. oooh oooh oooh that Fuchsia 'Hawkshead'... I want! I want!

    sorry you've just given me a whole new plant to covet (as if I didn't have enough already)

    That is truly beautiful though. I sort-of like the ordinary fuchsias but those long-flowered types are the ones I really swoon for. And there's something about that white that's just ethereal. Aren't you clever to have found one?

  7. Fantastic slide show. You are a good photographer!
    I can't possibly choose my favorite but I will try, the clematis, no the Fuchsias, not it's the Dahlias...see I can't choose! Okay...I choose the cyclamen. You captured the face perfectly.


  8. Cool slide show. This seems to be the new thing for GBBD and I can see why. Thanks for the garden tour.

  9. 'Hawkshead'is on my wishlist. I already have a couple of hardy fuchsias and they are both stars at this time of year.

  10. Hi everyone - glad you like my fleurs :)


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