Awash With Rain - Updated

As I said in Sunday's post, there was more rain to come. This picture was taken at 11 am today in town. There were some guys from the Environment Agency down there monitoring the situation. According to them, the river's at its highest since 1946. I suspect they may mean 1947 as this was when there was the big winter thaw.
You may also like to check out what else is happening locally re flooding by looking at the Gazette & Herald website. I particularly like the article about Westonbirt Arboretum, as there is a quote from the aptly named John Weir


  1. It's not looking too promising for the weekend-I hope the Avon remembers where it's banks are are stays in them. Those pictures from Lacock are scary. I wouldn't want to drive my car over that bridge.

  2. Hi Judith - I was surprised that so many vehicles went for it whilst I was there! One vehicle did get a bit poorly in the attempt and was being attended to by the AA when I arrived. The bridges in Chippenham were juddering with the force of the water going through underneath. Overall, quite an exciting time to be out - and I practised my Spanish in Lacock to boot, with some of the other people taking photos :)


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