Mulch Making

I shredded loads of prunings yesterday afternoon, plus most of next door's Christmas tree. The trunk made some nice logs for a wildlife wood pile. I'm always taking in the neighbours' woody material to make mulch. NAH thinks I'm mad, but with lots of paths to maintain between my allotment beds, I know it makes sense. This little lot only covered 1.5 paths, so there's still some way to go yet!


  1. Nice work. Didn't Shakespeare write a play about it - `Mulch Ado About Mothing'?

    Sorry, I couldn't resist that!

    Thanks so much for your encouraging comment about the plot of my new novel.

    I was captivated by Muskoka while photographing the area for the Canadian Tourism Commission in late 2005.

    The novel manuscript was emailed to Penguin about three months ago, so they should be able to give me a schedule soon.

    I can reveal to you (if you hadn't guessed already) that it is a love story.

    Thanks for your support

    Do keep in touch


  2. I don't make mine, I just go to the store and buy it.

  3. Good idea for the use of mulch.

  4. Good for you, both for the paths and woodpile. As you know I've done the same on my plot.

  5. Genius idea for using the mulch. Perhaps I will have to replace mine after all. I do like a nice session with a shredder. : )

  6. Hi VP. It's a good idea. I wish our allotment site had a communal shredder as it would be really useful for mulch and compost.

    I've got a couple of log piles and I was talking to our council's grounds maintenance guy and he said a good design is to half bury the logs upright because it creates a better environment for things like stag beetles with the damper bottom half.

  7. I heart mulch! Keeps the weeds down. Keeps the stray cats out (mostly).

  8. Just added you to my blogroll. Hope that's OK with you ....

  9. Crumbs! I didn't think my humble bag of mulch would get so many comments - thanks guys!

    David - I did groan at the pun, but it made me laugh too. I'm used to much worse from my hubby who is the master of all things punning! Thanks too for adding me to your blogroll and let me know when the novel's published...

    It would cost me a fortune to buy my own, lv2scbk as I have 28 paths to mulch. I did buy 3 bags at the start, but realised home made was going to be needed when I realised £10 worth only did 2 paths! And the neighbours like the fact that I keep taking their rubbish off them :)

    Threadspider - you can always come down the hill and borrow ours if you want...

    Great tip about the log piles Simon, I've just piled mine up in a heap in the past, but will try your method. It's a particularly good thing to do as Stag Beetles are an endangered species in the UK.

    And to Nessa, Flighty, and Nikki -have a great weekend!


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