Hurrah for Snowdrops

I'm delighted that the first snowdrops of the year are here. They actually bloomed fully for the first time last Thursday, but I was unable to take this picture until Saturday. Snowdrops are one of my favourite plants as they show themselves in January, just when the weather is usually at its coldest and gloomiest. They are such a sign of promise for the Spring to come.

NAH bought me loads of snowdrops 'in the green' for my birthday a few years ago. There were plenty for my front, back and side gardens. I also had to resort to a little guerilla gardening and planted some on the bank at the side of the house. I now do a weekly snowdrop count from when the first flowers appear just to see how they're multiplying each year. I'll be posting the results up of this year's census (plants in bud or flower only count, not those that have 'gone over') up on this site.

If you haven't planted snowdrops, then you might like to look here to find a garden near you for a good day out with them. I'd also like to add Lacock Abbey near me to their list, they have special snowdrop weekends in February and the setting is gorgeous.


  1. Think it'll still be awhile before I see snowdrops yet... But soon, soon, I hope, soon!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment at my blog yesterday. I'm assuming you found me through "Veg Plot"? (Saw you over there as well!)

  2. Hurrah for snowdrops indeed- I am going to post a picture of mine later!

  3. Your snowdrops have lured me out of hibernation to say hello. I stumbled across your enjoyable blog recently. Snowdrops along with hellebores are probably my favourite flowers of all. Yours are ahead of mine in north Cheshire. Hopefully I will have blooms by next weekend especially if this mild weather continues. The suspense is unbearable !

  4. The census is a great idea! I usually end up digging and moving my bulbs...

    Snowdrops are great. I think I'll plant some here next fall! We had them at our old house, but bulbs took a backseat to the veggie garden here at our new house.

    Katie at GardenPunks

  5. Quite right Wildside and thanks for coming over here as well! I've put you on my Google reader, so look forward to reading about your future exploits!

    Anna - glad you like the blog. I've had no luck with hellebores here - they seem to get the black spot disease after a year and die on me :(

    Katie - off to do the census now (squelch!) - keep your eyes peeled for the results...


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