Why Blog?

Ask the question Why Blog? to a blogger and you'll get all kinds of reasons. Like the majority of people (who are also non-bloggers) I'd always considered it to be a pointless, rather narcissistic exercise and then one day...
  • it was a grey, wet November afternoon and I was bored
  • My husband was away for the weekend
  • I'd decided that very day my career break was going to be rather permanent
  • I thought a nice weekend away learning something new would be a great way to celebrate my sense of relief and freedom
So I googled tapestry courses and amongst the multitude of links returned I found The Bath Crafting Cranny. Nothing like what I was looking for, but I was hooked. Her sense of fun and delight in finding quirky items to talk about shone through. Not only that, but she was local to me and linked to My Tiny Plot, another local blogger. Hers was a totally different subject with a fresh, informative style. Both packed lots of personality.

What a coincidence that in the global outlook that is the world wide web, the first 2 blogs I should find are by people who live less than 15 miles from me. My curiosity was piqued - That looks fun, I thought, I wonder how I do that?

15 minutes later Veg Plotting was up and running - a vehicle for all the ideas and stories which had been writing themselves in my head whilst on my career break whenever I was up at the allotment. My job at the time was all about making the most of Information Technology. I now realise that and a continuing desire to communicate are 2 of the main reasons why I blog. Recently I've also come to understand not being able to have children means I've been seeking to leave a mark on this world in some way. Yesterday's New Life Resolutions are also an important factor.

The fact that blogging is a lot of fun is the reason why I continue to do so. Besides, it's opened up a whole world of opportunities, fresh experiences and new friends. If you'd told me what was going to happen when I started, I'd have creased up with laughter. I still like to giggle about it, but I'm also looking forward to whatever next comes my way :)

Why do you blog?


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The 52 Week Salad Challenge Begins

For National Tree Week