Snowdrop census - week 2

Back Garden - 137
Front Garden - 50
Side Garden - 142
Guerilla Garden - 116
As promised, I've posted a picture of the double snowdrops in the back garden. Even in last Sunday's rain they looked beautiful. The Pulmonarias are beginning to bloom and I now have several crocuses in flower. Why is it the yellow ones always show first?


  1. They are so cure and happy looking.

  2. Thanks Nessa - I hope they are, that way there'll be more of them next year!

    Hi Wildside - I've looked back in my garden diaries and they've been pretty consistent in when they appear in my garden. However, I believe the main month for snowdrops is February - that's when a lot of gardens do their special snowdrop walks and openings.

  3. I love your snowdrops. I have planted some of them around my property, but not nearly as many as you have. Here in New Jersey, I'm still a few weeks away from seeing my snow drops. Here's a picture of some of them:

  4. Hi Heirloomgardener - I'm always glad to welcome a new commenter to the site! Will go and take a look at your snowdrops ASAP


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