Magnetic Poetry - February

A Valentine poem for ???, as always.


  1. Very nie poetry Veg, I like it very much also creatively done.



    JoAnn D-eyes/NL

  2. I like your poem ... Happy Valentine's Day to you!

    Thanks for your comment earlier re: roses & Kenya. I have done more reading on this ... the environmental issues are troubling. Since reading this book, I've also discovered that Ethiopia is also a producer.

    I think I read that Kenya provides 70% of all roses sold in Europe. This whole issue is worrisome. I'm spending some time looking for more info. on the internet.

  3. Joann & Kate - thanks for stopping by today. Happy Valentine's to you both!

    Kate - have a look at the Earthwatch website ( - there should be some information about the research David Harpur is doing on the environmental impacts around Lake Naivasha. I used to work for Earthwatch and know David well. If there's no joy there, David researches at Leicester University, so there should be something on their website.

  4. I like the ring of that poem!

  5. Hi there,

    Thank you for the info on Earthwatch - I've become fascinated by this issue. (Do you have an email address - I can be reached at I wanted to discuss this in more detail ...

    Kate (who ate too much cake and chocolate today!!)

  6. So creative and with only magnets. Hope you had a lovely Valentine's celebration.

  7. Hi Nikki - I'm glad you like it. It sums up how I feel when I think of you know who!

    Kate - I hope you got my follow up e-mail? It looks like you had a good Valentine's ;)

    avcr8teur - you're too kind! It got a bit more difficult as the year progressed as my self imposed rule was to use up words in 1 poem and not reusing them later. You'll see that in later posts!

    Hope you all had a great Valentine's - I did :)


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