Help Wanted - Garden Blog Types Article

I'm putting a post together introducing my blog to new readers and want to link to a piece on Garden Blog types and styles I read recently via Blotanical. This was the post that talked about Single theme blogs, multi-theme blogs etc. etc. I thought I'd bookmarked it at the time, but sadly I didn't - more fool me :(

It was a great article that generated a lot of comments. Can you help me track it down please? I haven't managed to using the usual search facilities...

Update - from the couple of Comments I've had so far, I think I need to describe the Posting I have in mind in a bit more detail, so here's a summary of my Comment reply:

I've already got Jodi's recent articles on Blogging lined up as Links for another part of my piece. Nor is it to do with The Powerguides. The Post I'm looking for is from about a month ago when someone wrote an amusing article on the different types of bloggers e.g. single theme - does what it says on the tin, but you may not get to know the person behind the blog that well; double theme - you may get to know the person a bit better, but you might not be interested in 1 of the themes etc etc.

Update 2 - Hurrah I've Remembered! It's by Sue Swift.


  1. I don't know which article originally inspired you but Jodi's current post at Bloomingwriter is all about blogging and increasing readership.It might lead you to the one you are thinking of.

  2. I am afraid I don't now what article you refer to but you could try
    The search box in there asks you to choose a guide and there is a gardening option with a list of potential new readers. If you leave a comment for Steve at the main power guides page I am sure he will add your blog into the guide.
    Hoep this is og use.
    daffy xx
    belated (nearly over *sigh*) Easter Greetings

  3. Hi Judith - I've already got Jodi's articles lined up as Links for my piece. The one I'm looking for is from about a month ago when someone wrote an amusing article on the different types of bloggers e.g. single theme - does what it says on the tin, but you may not get to know the person behind the blog; double theme - you may get to know the person a bit better, but you might not be interested in 1 of the themes etc etc.

    Hi Daffy - good to see you again! I'm already on the Powerguides (spookily Steve knows Chippenham very well, even though he's now based in the States), I just haven't got round to putting the widget on my Blog yet...

    BTW - Blogger has just come up with an appropriate Word Verification to go with this posting - I'll Post about it tomorrow ;)

  4. Ah dear, well I'm sorry I couldn't help but I am pleased you found it! :o)

  5. I'm glad that you've found, and linked to it, as I'm intrigued to read that entry.

  6. Hi Daffy - thanks for the good wishes!

    Flighty - hope you enjoyed the article. Which type do you think you are? Perhaps it's a new game we could play!


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