Allotment Petition - Sign up NOW!

I first blogged about threats to allotments in January, but Simon at The Plot Thickens' recent posting about a proposed development in Hungerford reminds me that the deadline for an online petition to the Government is nearly upon us. It's about giving the same protection to non-statutory sites (can go at any time) as statutory ones (needs ministerial approval for development), so is a vital step forward in my view. Many of our allotment sites are threatened, even the well cared for ones as Simon has shown. The deadline for your signature (assuming you're a GB resident or ex-pat, dear reader) is 27th March, so why not follow this link and simply sign up NOW? Tell all your friends and family about it too...


  1. Hi VP, thanks for the link to the petition. First time round I wasn't convinced because I reasoned that temporary sites had their place. Thinking about it now I don't think it's fair that allotmenteers should have so little security so it really falls to councils to do their duty by the Allotmet Acts and provide enough statutory sites for everyone who wants one.

  2. I've signed the petition. Thanks for the reminder as I should have done it when you first blogged about it!

  3. We have more or less the same problem too with allotments in the Netherlands. More and more are disappearing (new roads, housing development ect.). But more and more people want to grow their own food and where should they do that if they have no or a very small garden? sigh!

    Happy Easter!

  4. Done and dusted. Will pass the link on. Many thanks !

  5. Simon - thanks for the matched posting on your site and the link back to me. It looks like a few people have come over to sign the petition.

    Flighty and Anna - good for you!

    Yolanda - it's really sad isn't it. Hope you had a good Easter too!


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